Återblick: Webbinarieserien Berika medata – Berika samlingar 2020
Den 10–16:e juni 2020 arrangerades vi sex olika webbinarier. Dessa spelades in och kommer att bli tillgängliga att se även i efterhand. Programmet hittar du här.
Webbinarierna tillgängliggörs efter redigering på Riksantikvarieämbetets YouTube-kanal, på en egen Spellista.
Du kan även hitta inspelningarna samt mer information och resurser på denna webbsida.
Mer information om talarna och deras ämnen.
Programme (In English)
The webinars were recorded and are being made available on this Playlist on YouTube as soon as they are edited and subtitles have been added.
Information about the invited speakers and their topics.
Organizers: Åsa Larsson (Swedish National Heritage Board), Anna Foka (Uppsala University)
Wednesday June 10th
Session 1: Researching and enriching digitalised collections
13.00 – 14.15 Anna Foka (Uppsala University): Enriching the invisible stories of women – Carl Sahlin’s Collection at the National Museum of Science and Technology (Video)
14.15 – 14.45 Break/Fika
14.45 – 16.00 Stuart Dunn (King’s College, London): Ancient Itineraries – Exploring Digital Art History (Video)
Thursday June 11th
Session 2: Metadata for the Humanities and museums
13.00 – 14.15 Koraljka Golub (Linnaeus University): Searching for humanities – The promise of digital
14.15 – 14.45 Break/Fika
14.45 – 16.00 Karin Glasemann (Nationalmuseum): Use and let reuse! Digitisation, data enrichment and access at Nationalmuseum
Tuesday June 16th
Session 3: Aggregating, enriching and sharing collections
13.00 – 14.15 Enrichment and Outreach for Collections:
- Hugo Manguinhas (Europeana): Enriching Europeana
- Albin Larsson (Europeana): Saint George on a Bike: AI and improving the quality and quantity of metadata
- Larissa Borck (Swedish National Heritage Board): Boost your collections’ reach on external platforms
14.15 – 14.45 Break/Fika
14.45 – 16.00 Mia Carlsson & Marcus Smith (Swedish National Heritage Board): SOCH/K-Samsök – Aggregating national collection metadata