
Search in The Swedish National Heritage Board library’s catalogues, and other resources.

The library catalogues


Vitalis – the library’s main catalogue

The library’s main catalogue Vitalis covers printed books, journals, articles and also electronic journals. If you want to know more about how to order different types of material, see the Borrowing page. You will need to log in to access electronic journals from outside the library’s network. If you are unable to log in, please contact the library. See contacts (Kontaktperson).

Katalog-1974 – literature printed before 1975

Katalog-1974 is a scanned version of the library’s old paper catalogue. It contains literature printed before 1975. Always start by looking in Vitalis because it also contains a large amount of older literature. If you can’t find what you are looking for in Vitalis, then search in Katalog-1974.