
Programme for the international conference Heritage and Migration – New Methods and Historical Contexts,  at the Stockholm City Museum, 15–16 May 2019.

The programme interweaves theoretical analysis and practice based knowledge, and invites the heritage and museum sector to active participation in panel debates, group discussions and a live performance.

 See further below for the programme in pdf.

Wednesday 15 May


9.00 – 9.30       Registration and Coffee


9.30 – 10.15     Introduction: Opening Speeches

Lars Amréus, director general at Riksantikvarieämbetet, the Swedish National Heritage Board.
Pascal Lievaux, chair of the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change. Information from the conference moderator Melody Farshin.


10.15 – 11.00  Keynote: Lande: The Calais ‘Jungle’ and Beyond

Dan Hicks, professor of Contemporary Archaeology at Oxford University and curator of World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum, presents the contingent and improvisational operations of a precarious migrant settlement at UK’s border with Schengen – as comparative research and a museum exhibition.


11.00 – 11.45  Panel Discussion: Forming Places, Homes and Borders

Dan Hicks with Fataneh Farahani, associate prof. of Ethnology and Wallenberg Academy Fellow at Stockholm University, and Laura McAtackney, associate prof. of Archaeology and Heritage Studies at Aarhus University.

Migration and displacement affect notions of home and belonging, and how belonging is linked to real and virtual places. Crossing borders in the process further affects a person’s sense of self. This panel discusses how migration is structured by social practices and border politics, and where spaces for individual agency emerge. How does cultural heritage contribute to establishing well-being in unfamiliar places? How does practices of hospitality and hostility, at borders and in host societies, influence migrants’ sense of belonging?


11.45 – 13.00  Lunch


13.00 – 13.40 Keynote: Contested Practices. Dealing with the Legacies of the Colonial Past in a Context of Migration

Hester Dibbits, professor of Historical Culture and Education at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Amsterdam University of the Arts, discusses what kind of roles and expertise heritage professionals need to develop in order to facilitate a meta-perspective on heritage making as an interactive process, through our contemporary context of postcolonial encounters and clashes, and through the concepts emotion networks and heritage wisdom.


13.40 – 14.30 Panel Discussion: Ways of Becoming – Innovative and Inclusive Methods

Hester Dibbits with Amelie Tham, founder of Fisksätra Museum, Lizette Gradén, associate prof. of Ethnology at Lund University and Kulturen’s Museum in Lund, and Saadia Hussain, artist and art-activist at the Multicultural Centre in Botkyrka.

This panel explores how different experiences and understandings of cultural heritage can evolve into inclusive dialogues and practices. It presents innovative forms of collaboration and exchange in highly diverse settings, and discusses how notions of fixed categories of belonging resonate with the various ways of becoming that are negotiated in actual processes of de-integration, migration and integration. What kind of competence is needed among cultural heritage professionals to pursue this inclusive and flexible approach? What kind of supportive institutions and networks exist or can be developed?


14.30 – 15.00  Coffee


15.00 – 17.00  Group sessions


Group 1 

15.00 – 16.00  Small Group Discussions followed by Joint Group Dialogue
16.00 – 17.00  Guided Museum Tour

Group 2

15.00 – 16.00  Guided Museum Tour
16.00 – 17.00 Small Group Discussions followed by Joint Group Dialogue


19.00 – 20.30  Dinner at the Grillska House, Stortorget, Old Town



Thursday 16 May


9.15 – 9.45          Coffee


9.45 – 10.00       Introduction


10.00 – 10.50     Keynote: New Patterns in Prehistory? Possibilities and Limitations of Archeogenetic Perspectives on Mobility

Jan Storå, professor in Archaeology at Stockholm University, discusses implications of recent archaeogenetic and transdisciplinary research across natural and cultural sciences for our interpretations of mobility and migrations.


11.00 – 11.45  Keynote: Sámi Cultural Heritage and Migration

Marit Myrvoll, PhD in Social Anthropology and director at Várdobáiki Sámi Museum, presents Sámi perspectives on national and international migration, as nomadic ways of living, forced relocations, and urban settlements.


11.45 – 13.00  Lunch


13:00 – 13.45  Panel Discussion: Contemporary Migration in Historical Contexts

Marit Myrvoll with Charlotte Hyltén-Cavallius, associate prof. of Minority Studies at the Institute for Language and Folklore, and Netsereab Andom, assistant prof. of Social Anthropology at the University of Khartoum.

This panel discusses how knowledge of historical migration processes can contribute to an increased understanding of contemporary circumstances. The keynote presentations will be linked to two examples of long-term migration continuously relevant in contemporary Europe, as practiced by Roma communities and communities with a background in the Horn of Africa. What does shifting historiographies and decolonised perspectives mean for current understandings of migrants and refugees? How does migration influence what is defined as cultural heritage in a particular time and place? How can migration be understood as a form of cultural heritage?


13.45 – 14.30  Artist and Curator Conversation: The Making of an Archive

Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyễn, artist and artistic researcher at the College of Arts, Craft and Design and the Royal Technological Institute, and Ulrika Flink, curator at Settings and Konstfrämjandet, present a year-long collaborative project undertaken at Grafikens Hus, Södertälje, which has expanded the official archives of the town with marginalized stories and images of inhabitants with migratory backgrounds.


14.30 – 15.00  Coffee


15.00 – 15.30  Performance: Black Memory

The theatre company National Black Theatre of Sweden performs Afro-Swedish and African diaspora presence as archival reanimation in a collaboration with the Swedish Museums of World Culture.


15.30 – 16.15  Concluding Discussion: Afro-Swedish Presences

Michael Barrett, PhD in Anthropology and curator of Africa at the Swedish Museums of World Culture, and Josette Bushell-Mingo, head of the Department of Acting at Stockholm University of the Arts and founder of the National Black Theatre of Sweden, discuss the historical presence of people of African descent in Sweden and current attempts to remember, archive and narrate their histories and heritage. What conversations might practitioners of the arts, literature, archives and museums have in grappling with these objectives?


Programme Heritage and Migration (PDF)

Detailed information about the venue


The conference is organised by the Swedish National Heritage Board, in collaboration with the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change. The conference received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under JHEP2 project – grant agreement No 699523.


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