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Call for papers and posters

The Swedish National Heritage Board with partners is pleased to announce the call for papers and posters for the 4th International Conference on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Cultural Heritage in Stockholm, Sweden, 21–23 May 2019.

New call for posters

We have received many great contributions to the poster sessions, but there is still room for a few more. If you missed the last deadline, there is still an opportunity to submit an abstract for a poster. Send you poster abstract, max 400 words, to ipm2019@raa.se no later than 30 November 2018.

Deadline submission of abstracts: 15 April 2018

Threats by pests to cultural heritage is more than ever on the agenda for museums, archives, libraries and historic houses. It is of importance that professionals within the sector, such as scientists, conservators, curators, archivists, librarians, collection managers and others, meet and discuss ways of dealing with the challenges that pests pose.

For the conference in Stockholm, we invite papers on IPM for cultural heritage in general. We would also like to promote the following themes:

1. IPM in the era of globalisation

What are the challenges for IPM when the world becomes smaller? Travelling, tourism, trade and transport are increasing. Species spread to new places, where they have not been seen before. How can the cultural heritage community deal with these challenges?

2. IPM in a changing climate

Mean temperatures are rising. Extreme weather conditions can be expected to occur more often. What can be learned from the scenarios regarding climate change and how can cultural heritage deal with elevated temperature, humidity and other environmental factors?

3. Communicating IPM

Spreading awareness of IPM is perhaps the most important single factor for reducing pest problems. Which are the most successful ways of communicating knowledge, determining policies, training colleagues and staff, and reaching decision makers?

We invite papers that deal with the above themes, and also other aspects of IPM in museums, archives, libraries and historic houses.

All papers will be peer-reviewed. A digital post-conference publication will be published and distributed and available as print-on-demand.

Abstract information

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 April 2018.
Maximum 500 words.
No images, graphs or tables will be required at this stage.
Note: Contributions will be accepted in English only.

Please indicate if your contribution is for a paper or a poster.

Please send abstracts to ipm2019@raa.se.

Notice of acceptance end of May 2018.

Checklist for submission

  • name
  • affiliation
  • email address
  • indicate paper or poster
  • max 500 words