How to apply for a permit to export cultural goods

Here you will find information on how to apply for permission to export cultural goods from Sweden – where the forms are available, how to fill in the application and what happens next.

The application forms for an export permit and export licence for cultural goods can be downloaded under Related documents (Relaterade dokument) below.

How are the forms to be filled in?

Instructions for filling in the application for an export permit are found at the back of the form.

Instructions for filling in the application for an export licence are shown in Commission implementing regulation (EU) No 1081/2012 (see “Explanatory notes”).

Where should the forms be sent?

Once you have completed and signed your application, it should be sent to the Swedish National Heritage Board either by post or by scanning it and attaching it to an e-mail.

Remember to always use white paper when printing out an application for an export permit or export licence which is to be sent to the Swedish National Heritage Board.

Address for postal applications:

Box 1114
621 22 Visby

Address for e-mail applications:

What happens next?

Once the National Heritage Board has received your application, it is sent on to the licensing authority that is to examine the application (Chapter 5, Section 7, of the Historic Environment Act).

A decision is usually reached within two weeks, but the processing time may be longer than this in particularly difficult and complex cases.

How long are export permits and export licences valid for?

An export permits as well as an export licence are valid for one year counted from the date on which the decision was made (Chapter 5, Section 13, of the Historic Environment Act and Article 9 of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1081/2012).

Can a refused application be appealed against?

An appeal may be brought against a refused application for an export permit to a general administrative court (Chapter 5, Section 15, of the Historic Environment Act).

If an export permit is not granted, an export licence will not be granted either.

Does the state redeem goods whose application for export has been refused?

Neither the state nor the licensing authorities have any obligation to buy or otherwise redeem goods whose export has been refused.

Regulations in short (1) Visa eller stäng
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  • Kategorier: Kulturmiljö